税务常识第26期 – 礼券与增值税

在现时的日常商业生活中,赠送礼品或礼卷越来越流行。企业一般用来作为礼物给员工,客户或供应商,抑或是作为对员工的奖励,或用于市场的营销和推广。这一期将讨论增值税(GST)规则。 礼品没什么特别。买卖双方一手钱一手货,增值税买卖双方自付。但是对于出售和购买礼券的商家来说增值税可就是一门学问。



公司A在附近的一家酒庄买了20张有$100面值礼券,酒庄给了A 10%的折扣(也就是花费了$1800)。A把这些礼券送给了它的客户。当客户使用这些礼券换取商品的时候,尽管酒庄只收到了$1800,但是酒庄将会需要按照礼券的面值,也就是$2000上缴增值税$182。而公司A并不可以进行增值税退税。

但是,假如公司A在酒庄直接用10%的折扣买了价值$2000的酒(也就是付了$1800),那么在拿到收据后,公司A将可以进行增值税退税,也就是能从税局拿回$163($1800的1/11)。最终,公司A在买礼物上面实际总共花费了$1636。而酒庄也要对收到的$1800上缴增值税$163,而不是$182 ($2,000的1/11)。

因此 企业和商家在购买和出售礼品券的时候要考虑好成本和收益的关系。下期将讨论礼品(包括礼卷)收入税的影响。

(以上只代表本人个人观点并不适用每个人, 有关建议不能作为您行动的依据)


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Reshika Kumar

Administration Officer

With her kind, caring and approachable nature, Reshika never fails to provide a positive, welcoming experience for our clients, assisting them as they walk in our door or call our office. She understands the power of customer service and is always willing to lend a hand.

With her fun and relaxed personality, Reshika is incredibly creative, especially when it comes to finding solutions for evolving challenges, from financial matters to marketing requirements and beyond. Holding a Masters of Business Administration with a major in Marketing and significant experience in the banking industry, Reshika has a unique combination of skills which makes her a real asset to Fortis.

Reshika is motivated to reach new heights, take risks and develop her career by working alongside Bernadette, our Client Administration Manager, and having the opportunity to learn new things such as new platforms and procedures.

Reshika is passionate about fitness and does not miss an opportunity to take advantage of the gym. Despite Reshika’s relaxed personality it all goes out the door when card or board games are involved!